Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gaffes that make you go hmmmm...

And these are the people that run the planet.



Anonymous said...

When John Prescott landed one on a man in the crowd who attacked him, although i felt for his position, i found myself thinking 'good for him'.

To steal a monk-ism

"It's a funny ol' game"

Anonymous said...

That sort of thing does make me laugh. I suppose in a way it prove they're people too. Its the same sort of thing that goes on in any normal job...

...only really they should know better¬

Anonymous said...

I agree with Beth here, they are only human. but really, in their position, they should learn to keep their thoughts to themselves sometimes ;)

Do you remember when Gordon Brown (or was it Joh Prescott?) said to Al Gore at a press conference -off camera.that he wish he'd been elected instead of George W? What they didn't know was that they were still *on* camera.Ooops.

Northerner said...

Heh, yeah but with people like the Duke of Edinburgh, there come a point where a line of sensibility is crossed...

Anonymous said...

I just love the Duke of Edinburgh ~ lol

Anonymous said...

So other than the random amusement and similar thoughts to other comments here, you know what struck me about that article?

Crab? Oh man, I thought it looked like a facehugger at first! :)
I was like "Wow! He's got a facehugger!"

Ok, I've probably watched Aliens a few too many times, and having a crab in a jar is probably a smidgeon more likely than a facehugger ;)

Northerner said...

Oh I looove those films. Classic.

"We're on an express elevator to hell, man... Go-ing down!!"

Anonymous said...

"Knock it off, Hudson." ;)

I don't watch films so much these days, but Aliens is still definitely one of my favourites :)