Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Venturing out of the crib: part two

Really interesting day today. Can't go into too much detail of course, because of the nature of my job every second form I see is marked restricted, every second conversation; confidential.

However, I can remark upon this:

For the first time in my training I ventured out on patrol around the town in which I'll be working, accompanied by a tutor officer. Body armour and everything. Strapping up the Kevlar was admittedly quite exciting, as was catching glimpses of myself in any reflective surface. Another reminder of how real this is getting, real quick.

Walking down the street, for the first time in uniform, was a very strange feeling indeed. Imagine you're surrounded by a bubble. This bubble extends out about fifty meters in all directions, and as you walk along and people enter into that bubble, they're immediately aware of your presence and stare right at you. Some smile, some stare. Pretty much all watch your every move, as you pass through.

I can't say I'm someone who seeks the limelight. I'm not exactly a loner, but I prefer the company of small groups to large, of individuals to groups. Being the centre of attention is strange. But I'm going to have to get used to it awfully quickly.


Anonymous said...

This will be good for you

Anonymous said...

I spotted a trainee police officer or two in our town centre recently and yes, my head did turn, mostly due to the fact that one of them had a grin a mile wide on his face and kept adjusting his uniform ~ lol ~

Exciting to be out and about!


Northerner said...

Monk - Why did I think they? Mainly because of Joe/Joanne Public believe foot patrols and effectively 'visibility' in their towns & cities is a rare thing. I lost count of the number of wrinkles who kept coming up and cooing "ooo, two of you as well, fancy that..." Plus fluorescent strips, custodian helmet (which makes me about 6'4" when wearing it) and body armour announces your presence like a flashing neon sign.

C - Thanks for the goodwill. Change is good. Hope you're well out there!

Dianne - Mmm, yeah for the first street-or-so that trainee officer tugging at his uniform was me. It's hard not to smile as well when you know everyone is looking at you. Yeah, exciting indeed.

Unfortunately I may not go out on foot for a while now. Officer safety training for the next few days... Batons & getting pepper sprayed. Then in a few weeks, we really hit the law books. Big time.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ing-sorry, haven't commented for a while as Blogger's done the usual thing of not displaying your most recent posts on my browser.You're the fourth blog it's happened on :(


I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like, what an incredibly experience it will be!