Sunday, May 28, 2006

Wait for it... Wait for it...

To borrow the nearest cliché to hand - there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I received a letter from the force yesterday informing me of a new provisional start date of August 7th, along with some forms to fill in, sincere apologies for the delay in recruitment (I would bloody hope so) and a final instruction not to quit my current job quite yet.

This is to say 07/08 should be my commencement date, but there is a very small possibility that I may be delayed or deferred once again. I am however under the impression that is an unlikely situation, but I'd rather not go counting any chickens just yet.

So put the champagne back on ice, hold the fireworks and tell the street party to hold off just a little longer.

When they formally write to me with a job offer, then I'll get suitably excitable.

Strange day today otherwise. Mood a little lighter with the cop-news, but felt very lethargic in town this afternoon whilst shopping, suddenly had an inexplicable craving for junk food in town and virtually collapsed on the sofa straight into a two-hour cat nap back home later on. Very unusual in that I find it almost impossible to sleep during the day unless I'm jetlagged or something. Maybe it was my blood-sugar perhaps.

Which made me think, not that I'm unfit (or ever have been recently, I'm proud to say) but with the tangible goal of recruitment once again shimmering resplendent on the horizon I intend to shake the cobwebs from my bones and start jogging again.

I could have worked this Bank Holiday weekend for the extra money but, frankly I can't be arsed. I figure later this summer I'll be training hard, and practically doubling my wage while I'm at it. I may as well take this opportunity to kick back a little before things really pick up.

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