Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Police report

For those of you wondering about my Police application, I called them again today.

The news?


Seems the recruiting and the training are handled by two separate departments (reminding me of the old left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing adage) – training does not inform recruiting until about five weeks before a course is due to commence.

However, I have an assurance from them that I will be contacted later in the month with regard to the possibility of starting in June.

So, either which way then, I’ll be put out of my misery in the coming weeks.

A little informed speculation leads me to conclude thus; if they haven't had a batch of trainees since the end of last year, think of the 'natural wastage' of retirees, transfers, the infirm... They're going to need some new blood awfully soon.

Once I get the nod it all kicks into gear.

New Job.

New Place.

New People.

...New Me?

Who knows.


Anonymous said...

aww 'none' news??? U'GH (BTW the adage is a bible verse, kool huh?)

ok so now you will have the whole bible gang here debating it on your blog...hahaha...OH NO!!! LoL

It must be difficult to get some vision and plan over the summer when it aint clear what the heck you are doing in your job.

New job, new place, new people sounds kool you? :( was up with the old one? I like it...

Anonymous said...

It would seem they leave it pretty close to the wire for you to be possibly commencing training in June. I would have to give work at least a months notice.

Northerner said...

Thanks for stopping by Jack!

Yeah it is incredibly frustrating to say the least. The cops have told me that I'll get 5 weeks notice, my current job needs 4 so that's no worries. For a June start I should find out in the next week or two, so yeah, close to the wire indeed.

I was supposed to start in February, but that got delayed due to 'budget constraints'. If they delay me again it'll be incredibly disheartening.

Thanks for the support though guys.

And Hanni, no I never knew that was a bible quote, that was intriguing to learn thanks!

I guess it's may not be a new Ing entirely. But shaking up your life every so often can only be a good thing. Great mark Twain quote that always sticks in my mind:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Anonymous said...

wow, am stealing that quote from Mr Twain

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.