Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We are go for launch!

So you feel inexplicably down...

...And then it's amazing how quickly you snap out of it.

A hefty pack arrived in the post this morning containing information, various forms to review and sign and times and dates for my initial training. I've even been informed of my three-digit call number and been asked to make an appointment as soon as possible to be kitted out with my uniform.

In just over a month I'll commence training as a Police Officer.

Who would've thought eh?

Over the last week several different people, unprompted I may add, have said to me a variation on

"Well it's wonderful and reassuring to think that there's going to be Officers like you out there."

On the one hand it's heartening to think of people's confidence in my abilities and character, on the other hand does this betray a certain cynicism and distrust in the force?

Just a thought.

Anyway, I'll keep you all posted in the run-up and I'll post a photo when/if I can.

I know some of you are gagging to see that.

On a unrelated point, being the space-buff that I am...

Go Discovery!

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