Monday, March 26, 2007

Infinitely more useful

Good lord. Dr No and Beardy Adams sat at the same table... Talking... Though not to each other. As one veteran northern Ireland correspondent put it today:

"Do not adjust your set"

The other notable thing that happened today was the fact that I passed my one-day basic police driver's course. Yay. This means I can now drive Police cars. However. This does not mean I can blue-light. Not for a while. In fact, that's a three-week course that turns you into a controlled maniac through city centres will be a long while coming yet (usual cost/personnel reasons).

Anyway, as a police officer this means I am now infinitely more useful in the eyes of my peers.


Inspector Monkfish said...


Ing, I hate to tell you this, but all that police stuff has pushed more normal stuff out of your brain.

You've completely lost any sense of mathematics you may ever have had.

"One moment things make sense, the next they're twice as confused."

Twice as confused as something that makes sense? So if something that makes sense isn't confused, then, twice as confused must be... Something that makes sense?

Make sense? ;)

AND, AND, as if that wasn't enough, we now have:
"Anyway, as a police officer this means I am now infinitely more useful in the eyes of my peers."

INFINITELY more useful? Can they actually drive YOU at 90mph in a high-speed chase should the need arise? Do you perhaps carry a small thermos of tea with you in the case someone is in urgent need of a cuppa? Can you be used to open jam jars? Or pry open drain covers? Or perhaps you have X-Ray vision to actually see crimes in progress before they are reported?


Honestly. Some people? Never happy. ;)

Northerner said...

I promise you as a response officer returning from a busy Friday night shift at around 07:45 in the morning, I have no brain left to speak of... :-)