Sunday, January 07, 2007

Police officers are human too

I should really be sleeping right now, that's what a sensible person would do.

But no.

The excitement, the worry... It's literally pulsing through my veins rendering me fully awake until I finally collapse into bed sometime in the wee hours.

Though our last week of phase 3 classroom study was somewhat anti-climactic (the aforementioned IT training), many of us didn't want it to end. Surprising, considering how bored I was about it all when I last posted.

Over the 20-odd weeks of training, at least once a week someone in my division would think out loud:

"Oh, can't we just get out there?!"

By Friday this had changed to a nervous laugh and

"Ummm, actually we like it here... Can't we stay just a little bit longer?"

Like many things in life though, the longer you put something off, the greater the dread and anticipation becomes. So better now to take that deep breath, that running jump, and dive the hell in, before your dread consumes you entirely and leaves you a nervous wreck.

But we were at least able to take our mind off worrying about worrying (my speciality - that), for a few hours at least on Thursday. A not-very-secret Policeman's Ball closed the week, and the formal classroom training for that matter, in rather spectacular fashion. Rather formal it was too. Tuxedos and beautiful dresses. Long tables, candles and waiter service. Good food, embarrassing dancing.

Much enjoyed by myself, and my date for the evening.

Yes, you read that right.

At this rate I'm actually in danger of thawing out my deep-frozen love life and rejoining the human race.

Truly excellent timing as well, as it takes my mind, once more, off that god-damned anticipation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Bless! I think this is one of those situations where it wouldn't matter what was said to you, you'd still feel a nervous wreck. In a way, it must be worse for you because you've waited 18 months for this opportunity...a hell of a lot of anticipation to build and try and climb over.

Have faith, you'll do well.

*hugs* sweetheart.