Thursday, June 01, 2006

The War? The Conflict? The Occupation? The Rebuilding?

What are we supposed to call it these days?

I've deliberately steered clear of commenting on the Iraq war on this blog.

I promised myself.

I have a brother in the forces for godsakes, I feel uncomfortable debating the merits, or lack thereof, of theatre in which he will likely be called to serve in again. Soon.

But this time, I can't bite my tounge. I'm just writing what's in my mind, right now, whatever the flow.

Watching the evening news, as I dutifully do, I was shocked to hear reports of further allegations of civilian deaths at aparently at the hands of coalition troops.

Thing is - I tend to be a bloody optimist.

"Yes, interesting choice of words" I here you say.

But hear me out.

I take an awful lot of flack sometimes for being an optimist in some situations, but stupid and downright blinded that I may sometimes be, I dare to hope for the best in humanity. That for every Hitler there's a Ghandi; for every Mugabe, a Mandela.

But with regard to Iraq, every time I literally think it can't get any worse over there, it does. Optimisim was sadly taken hostage a long while back.

Abu Ghraib...

Then Haditha.

Today; a pregnant woman in labour was shot at a roadblock because her panicking husband drove too quickly into the wrong lane at a checkpoint.

Why do some elements on both sides of this war seem intent on tearing Iraq apart; brutalising and humiliating it's people?

Insurgents know they can't fight the American military machine mano et mano, so the resort to the supremely cowardly tactic of roadside bombs. They blow up mosques in the sick hope that Iraqi's will turn on each other, and attack the very institutions that aim to rebuild the country.

Meanwhile, young shell-shocked coalition troops, stunned by the deaths of their colleagues, hail bullets in a fit of rage catching families (allegedly, deliberately) in the crossfire. Generals cannot understand why Iraqi's aren't pacified when tanks rumble past their children on a daily basis.

Whatever the views on the Iraq war, all sides simply have to make Iraq work now or else we all loose.

Those who think our troops should come home tomorrow should ponder what state Iraq would be in the following day. Civil War? Islamic fundamentalist revolution?

However, those who favour the continued occupation / nation-building (call it what you will), must also accept that the coalition cannot do it alone. Foremost they need the Iraqi's themselves, and secondly they need to understand them. This means not only giving ethical training to troops, but engaging closer with the Iraqi community. Showing trust, not eternal suspicion whenever oportunities present themselves, whatever the risks.

There's several metaphorical wars raging in Iraq right now.

We cannot loose the battle for hearts and minds.

An interesting point was raised at the end of the television report. It went something like this:

"The war with which Iraq is most likened is that in Vietnam, but there is a crucial difference. Towards the end of that conflict the American public supported neither the war, nor the troops fighting it. Crucially, there is not the same parallel in Iraq. Support for the war is at an all time low, but support for the troops serving in Iraq remains solid. However, should inquires report unlawful killings in Haditha, and now Ishaqi, public opinion may turn yet against them. What then?"


Anonymous said...

lets talk 'logic'...simply cos when the UN talked 'Humanly' and rejected the war with many other consideration was taken..and the war..the killing machine was announced..

now...war is never a way to solve things ..if any human being thinks that the war was the only option ..i think he is fooling him self...
so lets talk 'logic' the war was declared and started regardless of the fact that UN didnt approve...that s mistake no#1

all the reasons of the war that they predicted and claimed turned out to be not true..i call it lies ..that s no #2

the situation over there was not perfectly controlled and managed ..simply cos the top management of this project thought it is a fast profit project..the worset predicts were 10 % extra cost(also was approved )..the loss turned out to be an unbelivable huge daily loss of souls of iraqi human beings(if i am allowed to call them human beings ..which is a fact) daily leaving this damned earth although when they were born they though that they have been blessed by god and advised that they will live happily,and never knew or even expected that some god damned devil or maybe 2 would be able to decide during their business meetings to take away their souls..and in a tragic way that even hollywood was not able to picture in their wildest movies..i call it least..unproffesional process and management in dealing with HUMAN SOUL..SIN # 4

all what happened in ABOGHAREEB..and other things that so far we dont know..and maybe we will never know..simply cos people when they r killed,they take their painfull silent scream with them...the media sensores wont feel it ..and even if they sense it the manager may not allow this to go ON sending young sick minded exceutive managers on first class flights to some dark rooms to practice thier own hetrosexual,devil,sick minded,fanatic,bloody,something similar to the scary movie (seven),fantasy...practicing all thier wildest dreams on ALIVE.REAL,PEOPLe that are similar to me,to y ,,then saying 'oops sorry' is sin # 5.

now i never supported the old regime in iraq....cos i call them theives and criminals...
now what is happening there has no name ..simply cos it is too bad to be put under any category...

i hope all your brothers come back safe...i really do......

but it wasnt the arab's nation call..(i exclude the goverments cos they are small subcontractors in this huge project) was the call of all liberals,human rights communities ,and us to stop the war before it started...

there is an arabic saying 'who wants to get drunk ..shouldnt count his shots'
they wanted they didnt bother to justefy it ....

sorry if i was harsh..but i m thinking now..while i am typing those words..on my computer..sitting on the sofe.listening to the birds declaring the morning many innocent civilian souls flying up to the sky..maybe watching me from above ..wondering why i didnt stop the killing machine ...


Anonymous said...

as i said ..some souls were leaving the earth yesterday as i was leaving my frst morning ,the news:
9 killed...
'iraqi human rights' states that another 24 iraqi(incliding women and children)were killed by the troops ..the iraqi goverment demands the usa troops to present their supportive documents regarding the invistigation with those people....etc...etc...etc...

just to confirm ..that those soul were watching us yesterday while we are still discussing this article...further more..on the new today ..they brodcast what one teenage girl who survived the above mentioned accident cos she maganged to hid in the bath room or something whil her family was killed in the other room..the same for another boy...while i watched them ..i understood how angry,destructive ,aggresive generations can be raised..simply by letting them watch thier family being killed ...then when they grow up and their anger drives them to kill..we say 'oh..murderers..killers'..'they also shoueld be killed '...

hope who is reading this trying to face the truth ..