Sunday, June 11, 2006

Surely it's just for effect?

One would hope.

Old news to any American liberals reading this no doubt, but my blood was positively boiling by the end of this article.

I would respond with equal vitriol in reply; but she clearly revels that.

Simply judge for yourself.

Just make sure you’re sitting comfortably...


Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter is toxic. I wholeheartedly agree.

Northerner said...

Yeah, I hope one day she meets a 9/11 widow, or a liberal Muslim face-to-face to try and justify such outrageous comments. It’s easy to write columns with some kind of freakish detachment, throwing words with careless disregard, but to look people in the whites of their eyes and repeat them... I’d pay good money to see her try and stand on her own two feet and justify such utter arrogance.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, it is easy just to brush her off as a headline grabber and not to even dignify her garbage with a response or waste any emotion on it all but like, this stuff affects people. This contaminates society slowly until people become desensitised to her babble when really she should face those that she is slagging off preferably in a soundproof room alone...hahaha

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of offensive rubbish that Christians should be much more vocal about. Awful woman.

Anonymous said...

Christians Jack? Like anyone with half a brain in their skull would find it disgusting...what makes Christians so dam special?

Respond or not respond, either way is not just up to Christians. Maybe she will run out of steam or people will get bored of her same ol same ol. Hope so.

Northerner said...

Well, she does namecheck that she's a Christian, so I think what Jack means is that this scary woman could give 99% of moderate Christians a bad name.

Anonymous said...

kk i get ya