Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Once more, with feeling

Why that when something happens to someone these days, be it a tragedy or a victory, be it to a CEO or a housewife, do they stand before the massed media reading a carefully worded statement?

I understand that in these days of lawsuits gone mad, one has to chose one's words carefully, but doesn't anyone just react anymore? Say what's on their mind? What they really think? Not what's scripted best?

Call me cynical, but it's a shame when even a head teacher of a primary school has to lower his eyes to a written statement every second line whilst reciting in complete monotone regarding a tragedy.

Someone break the mould.

Next time something of note happens to you, and you're asked for an opinion, say what you really think.


Roses said...

I would like to add my heartfelt support for you in this issue. I'll just read the statement my lawyer prepared earlier....

Anonymous said...

yeah like you can afford to say what you think on your own blog even!!!!!! now thas ironic. You mentioned the head teacher well if it's to do with there job then the cost of saying what you think when you could be emotional is too big, people are always looking for someone to blame for stuff it is too risky and no one will pat you on the back, only think it was dumb to do in the current climate.
Now that i said what i thought...haha.... i do get what your point is but its not going to happen in our over monitored society.

Anonymous said...

You're right, of course, but it'll never happen....

As a society we've become too mired in the depths of ambulance chasing lawyers, people believing that there is a monetary value attached to every little last thing and we expect everyone else to look out for us so we don't have to think for ourselves or take responsibility for our actions (and more cynically so we have someone to blame when it all goes wrong).

But we should break the mould - a bit at a time...I'm sure there's loads of people who agree...let's have a revolution!