Sunday, December 30, 2007


A plea...

Not content with the fact that ¾ of high-street fashion retailers cater to your tastes, why do you ladies insist on clogging up the aisles in every single men’s department?

I know plenty of lads are useless shoppers but not all of us are.

Some of us guys wish to peruse the men’s departments in shops without having to continually squeeze past ladies discussing if said garment would be just right for the man in their life.

I mean we leave you alone in women’s shops don’t we?

Granted, I must admit that whenever girlfriend saunters into a ladies fashion shop I usually declare it a perfect opportunity for me to go down the road to HMV…

The other thing that’s annoying me at the moment?

People who don’t turn their Satnav’s on to ‘night mode’ at night.

Personally I prefer not to drive with what appears to be a torch shining in my face the whole journey.



Roses said...

At least I know I never have to go shopping with you, or buy you clothes for birthday or Christmas.

Excellent, more time for coffee!

Anonymous said...

Lol I so know what you mean about the satnavs - the M6 was alight with them on boxing day evening!

Have a great new year Ing and all the best for 2008
NM x

Carlito86 said...

Hope you have a great New Year hun. All the best! xx