Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's what we do

Some oh-so big and brave soul has been posting on a number of police-related blogs, sharing their wit charm and supposed glee over the stabbing of a police officer in Luton.

Clearly they want to get a reaction.

Usually I bite my tounge and don't rise to it.

For once...

I replied.

* * * *


Know what PIG stands for?

Pride. Guts & intelligence.

But hey, anon, abuse as all you want.

There'll come a day when you need us.

And then what will you say to us, when you really, really need us.

When you get bottled down the pub.

When your place gets burgled.

When you've wrapped your car around the central reservation.

Protect the public?


Including you?


Because it's what we do.


Inspector Monkfish said...

Ing, mate...


I think you mean "Pride. Intelligence & Guts."

They were talking about this incident on the radio when I was driving home the other day.
It left me shaking my head, with a twisted feeling in my stomach.

You do what's a damn hard job under the best of circumstances.

Having to fiddle and fart about with bollocking tickboxes doesn't make it any easier.

Twats like this don't make it any easier.

And yet, you do keep doing it.

Because that's what you do.

I was recently worrying about something. When I realised that the worry was in my head.
I realised that all my doubts and imagination and wondering and worry were all up there, running through my mind.
My heart didn't worry. I realised I could stop worrying in my head, because it was just my head rambling.

You keep listening to your heart. You do what you just KNOW is right.

From the time I began reading your blog and reading about what you wanted and why, I just knew that you were going to make "a good cop."

And I know that you're not alone.

Thank you, Ing, thank you, and all the other good cops.

Roses said...

For obvious reasons I have been trying not to gush on your site, but you'll just have to put up with it today.

You have pride, intelligence and guts in spades hon. Anon is just another nominal, with time on his hands and a broadband connection.

You have purpose.

Northerner said...

IM - I put is as PGI in that order because it flows better off the toungue. I'm honestly humbled by your tribute. I respect any person who does a hard-days work, whatever the job. As it happens, coppers just happen to be in the news alot. At the end of the day, I'm no more of a hero than any other potential person out there.

Roses - Thanks also for your tribute. Again, I'm humbled, but I'm not the only one. At the end of the day - you too are a hard-working and honest soul

Anonymous said...

I'm the same, usually I wouldn't rise to the bait because that is the reaction that people like anon desire. This made me so cross, angry & sick, to say things like that anyway is bad enough but to say that on a tribute to a police officer who has lost his life in the line of duty made me reply, I had to.

Yes police officers do a job like any other BUT that job contains alot more risk in the day to day duty they have to carry out than a normal ofice job, they don't deserve that kind of abuse but especially should not have to put up with it on a tribute to somebody who has lost their life through doing their duty.

Completely agree with your post, thanks for the comment :o)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. It's the element of risk involved that makes what you do far above any other regular hard working job. Yes, we all work hard, but i/we do not have to face stepping up to your plate every day to protect the life of the same joe public that 5 minutes ago was crafting abuse just because they can sit anonymously behind their computer and utilise two fingers.

Maybe it's at that time, when a police officer assists someone they love or even themselves out of a life threatening situation, they will be humbled sufficiently to be able to join he rest of the human race. Until then, like Roses says, just a 'nominal with a broadband connection'.

Twining says: said...


Anonymous said...

Yay go Ing! Good for you

Inspector Monkfish said...

lol... I saw those caps there for a moment and wondered what someone was going to be saying ;)

Roses said...

Yeah, I blinked when I spotted them, but it's good to see so much support for the boys in blue out there.

For all of the shite that anon has spread, there was loads more positive support.

People do care.

Katy Swift said...

Ing the job you do day after day must seem like a thankless one sometimes, especially when there are cowards lurking behind "anon" gloating over other peoples tragedies. It's a pity they can't use the energy they spend whipping up anger into something more constructive. Thank you for having the pride, guts and intelligence to do the job you do so well.

Anonymous said...

global internet government by charles webster baer