Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Wombats - Moving to New York

Currently #1 on my mind's daily playlist during otherwise quiet moments of thought...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A nicer kind of ticky-box

Idle day-off.

Feel free to cut & paste to yours.

I stole this from Rose.

Here goes.

* * * *

Level 1
() Smoked a cigarette
() Smoked a cigar
() Kissed a member of the same sex
(x) Drank alcohol.

Level 2
(x) Are/been in love
(x) Been dumped
(x) Shoplifted
() Been fired
(x) Been in a fist fight

Level 3
(x) Had a crush on an older person
(x) Skipped school
() Slept with a classmate
() Seen someone/something die

Level 4
(x) Had/have a crush on one of your friends who is now on Facebook
(x) Been to Paris
(x) Been to Spain
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Thrown up from drinking

Level 5
(x) Eaten sushi
() Been snowboarding
() Met someone BECAUSE of Facebook
(x) Been in a mosh pit

Level 6
() Been in an abusive relationship
(x) Taken pain killers
(x) Love/loved someone who you can't have
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
() Made a snow angel

Level 7
(x) Had a tea party
(x) Flown a kite
(x) Built a sand castle
(x) Gone mudding (offroading)
() Played dress up

Level 8
(x) Jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) Gone sledging
(x) Cheated while playing a game
(x) Been lonely
() Fallen asleep at work/school

Level 9
(x) Watched the sun set
() Felt an earthquake
() Killed a snake

Level 10
(x) Been tickled
(x) Been robbed/vandalized
() Been cheated on
(x) Been misunderstood

Level 11
(x) Won a contest
() Been suspended from school
(x)Had detention
() Been in a car/motorcycle accident

Level 12
() Had/have braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
() Danced in the moonlight

Level 13
(x) Hated the way you look
(x) Witnessed a crime
() Pole danced
(x) Questioned your heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes

Level 14
(x) Squished barefoot through the mud
(x) Been lost
(x) Been to the opposite side of the world
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like you were dying

Level 15
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
() Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
() Sang karaoke
() Paid for a meal with only coins

Level 16
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
() Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
() Kissed in the rain

Level 17
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
() Watched the sun set/sun rise with someone you care/cared about
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere

Level 18
() Crashed a Party
() Have travelled more than 5 days with a car full of people
(x) Gone rollerskating/blading
(x) Had a wish come true
() Slept with a member of the same sex

Level 19
() Worn pearls
(x) Jumped off a bridge
(x) Screamed "penis" or "vagina"
() Swam with dolphins

Level 20
(x) Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube
() Kissed a fish
() Worn the opposite sex's clothes
(x) Sat on a roof top

Level 21
(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs
() Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel
() Talked on the phone for more than six hours (in one day)
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about

Level 22
() Picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) Climbed a tree
(x) Had/been in a tree house
(x) Been scared to watch scary movies alone

Level 23
(x) Believed in ghosts
() Have had more than thirty pairs of shoes (not necessarily all at once)
() Gone streaking
() Visited jail

Level 24
(x) Played chicken
() Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger
() Broken a bone
(x) Been easily amused

Level 25
() Caught a fish then ate it later
() Made a porn video
() Caught a Butterfly
(x) Laughed so hard you cried
(x) Cried so hard you laughed

Level 26
() Mooned/flashed someone
(x) Had someone moon/flash you
(x) Cheated on a test
(x) Forgotten someone's name
() French braided someone’s hair
(x) Gone skinny dipping
() Been kicked out of your house
(x) Tried to hurt yourself

Level 27
(x) Rode a roller coaster
(x) Went scuba-diving/snorkelling
(x) Had a cavity
() Black-mailed someone
() Been black mailed

Level 28
(x) Been used
(x) Fell going up the stairs
() Licked a cat
(x) Bitten someone
(x) Licked someone - not in private places

Level 29
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Had sex in the rain
() Flattened someone’s tires
(x) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Highly commendable?

I couldn't make it to London today for the protest march and join some 22,000 colleagues marching on Westminster. However I support my colleagues 100% in getting the government to honour the independent pay award we are due. That's the 2.5% award we should have had in October, when it was due, 12 months after the previous pay award. Not the resulting 1.9% after three months drawn-out negotiation by the government.

I couldn't make it because I wouldn't have been able to get back for an award ceremony this evening which I had been invited to attend by the divisional command team. Unfortunately this had been planned months back, before the pay dispute flared up, but hey-ho.

Tonight I received a Divisional Commander's Commendation Certificate in relation to a serious assault last year, that I responded to with a team of officers. Suffice as to say enquiries resulted in arrests and justice was served.

A comment from a colleague stuck in my head from tonight

"The amount of times the job screws you over y'know, it's nice to get something back."


I've had Newsnight on the TV in the background and they just did the paper-review of the first editions.

"20,000 police officers protesting on the streets" screamed the headline of the Daily Express "where are they when you need them?"


Thursday, January 03, 2008


Party over?


Out of time.

[The other night I partied] like it was two-thousand-and-eight.

(With thanks to Prince)

Christmas was...


It comes with the territory that as an emergency service worker, chances are you're going to be working whist others are out having fun, sleeping, eating etc...

I worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day nights for my sins, coming off-shift into Boxing Day morning.

Christmas Eve was ridiculously busy. Very little goodwill on the streets to men or women really. Fights going off all over the place and a colleague accidentally gave me a facefull of CS-spray during a scuffle.

Lovely stuff.

Christmas Day night was thankfully very quiet indeed and most of us disregarded the mounds of paperwork, patrolling and chilled out for a change. We all brought in food to nibble and had a bit of an impromptu buffet in the station. I'd slept most of the day before that, I was home alone and to be honest if I hadn't have watched the Doctor Who christmas special I wouldn't have noticed it was Christmas at all! So to have some sort of festivity later on was nice and heart-warming.

Boxing day, early hours, I drove up to the parents in East Yorkshire. Presented myself about 09:00hrs, chatted over a cup of tea for about a half-hour before collapsing into bed. Woke up around 16:00 and helped the family get snacks & drinks together for the 'clan' get-together at our place a few hours later. After much chat, food, drinks, Jenga and board games I once again collapsed into bed.

27th - Relaxed. Did very little. Perfect.

28th - Mother & I hit the sales. Bought very little really apart from a new colour printer, and even that was from a Tesco Extra!

29th - I hung out with friends back Yorkshire-way who I hadn't seen for ages. All good fun, good company.

30th - Unfortunately it was back to work. Drat.

New Year's Eve, as luck would have it, I was on earlies. This meant that even with extended workign hours this allowed me to finish at 18:00 and still have time to drive down to see girlfriend and celebrate with her. Along with her lad we went round to some friends of hers for chat, drinks and board games for the evening. A good night was had by all. I was awoken at around 01:30 by the girlfriend as I'd fallen asleep on the hosts' sofa. They did however cut me some slack when it was pointed out that I'd been up since 05:00 the previous morning.

New Year's Day - Back to work at 15:00, however still plenty of time to sleep off the hangover and drive up back to work.

How did you celebrate yours?